Coaching is not about knowing all the answers but about asking the right questions that lead to them.

These days, ‘Coaching’ is used everywhere and for everything since it’s not a protected term. As a result, many people wake up one day and decide to call themselves ‘Coach’ because they think they’re good at advising others.

But is that really coaching?

A coach who takes this profession seriously gets certified to take the time and learn the methodology, diverse tools, after that continuously adds new knowledge and techniques to help their client (coachee) achieve their goals. 

Another difference is that coaching is a question-based process, where the coachee gains insights and results through targeted questions. Their own answers trigger the motivation and clarity that ignite change. So, only giving advice is not coaching.

What coaching is and what it isn't. 

Clarity precedes success. Since there are many terms buzzing around, I want to make sure you understand them so you can choose the suitable method of personal and professional development for you:


As you can see, coaching gains power by putting you - as the expert of your life and circumstances - in the center. My role is to explore with you side by side and help you shine a light in areas that have been in the dark to find the answers you need to grow and move forward.

The concept of coaching is clear now, still you might wonder: But WHERE?

Coaching sessions can be done in person or via a video call. Considering that time is precious, I recommend spending it on the actual session – online – instead of getting to a physical meeting point. It saves time and keeps the process flexible. You'll be able to enjoy a session whether you're in the office, on a train, working from home, or being in a hotel during a business trip.

So, if that makes sense, would it be a crazy idea to give coaching a try?