Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.
Oscar Wilde


As simple as this might sound, most of us struggle with it. Society and other’s expectations make us doubt that being ourselves is acceptable and will lead us to success in life and career. So we’re going through this journey called life, trying to meet all the expectations while neglecting our own needs and desires that would lead us to fulfillment naturally.  

But sooner or later, life will confront us with a choice: Live a conscious life where we sit in the driver’s seat towards fulfillment and success or continue ‘auto-pilot,’ hoping to get to the same destination by following a pre-designed path of expectations and norms.


I was born and raised in Berlin. Having curiosity and growth engrained in my DNA, it was no surprise that Berlin felt too small at some point.

Starting in 2009, my growth journey brought me to Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Madrid, and finally, Barcelona, my new home. During this time, often far out of my comfort zone, I trusted my talents of being intuitive, creative, multi-passionate, and analytical and explored my curiosity for mental and physical health, psychology, and human behavior: 
’How can we build a life true to who we are, what’s holding us back, and how can we overcome it to live fulfilling and purposeful lives?’


The last 15 years were a journey to find myself by exploring my passions, talents, and desires to build a life and career based upon what inspires me and brings fulfillment to MY LIFE.

During this journey, I also lost myself a couple of times, pursuing paths that ‘made sense’ rationally but, in the end, weren’t connected to my heart. These were painful lessons and tough times to reconnect to my true essence, but in the end, they made me who I am today – and I’m grateful for that. 

Looking at my life and seeing others struggle with their conflict between outside expectations and their own desires, I realized that this ‘struggle’ is caused by not having the confidence to be stand up for yourself and instead constantly meeting other’s expectations.

I have understood that being fulfilled in life AND career isn't a myth, nor does it occur accidentally. It happens through conscious and purposeful actions—when you learn to 'lead from within.'

After having this epiphany – it genuinely was one – I decided to combine my knowledge in personal growth and leadership to help others ‚Unleash their Inner Leader,‘ finding success and fulfillment, but more importantly, to reconnect to their true selves and become aware of their needs to shape a life THEY want to wake up to every day – personally and professionally.

And so my program ‘Leading from Within’ was born. A guided journey to unleash your Inner Leader – covering topics such as limiting beliefs, impostor syndrome, blurry boundaries, perfectionism, and most importantly people pleasing aka. putting other’s expectations over your own needs.

Because living a fulfilled life is a conscious choice, and I would be thrilled to be part of your transformation.  Let’s talk!
